January 07, 2015

Been a while, eh?

Howdy! I've been pestering my mom to post more blog entries, but meanwhile, I haven't updated this blog in, oh, 2 or 3 years?!

Anywho, things with Naomi are terrific. She's healthier and happier than ever, at the ripe old age of 15!  *le gasp*

While home in New York over the holidays, my mom and I watched Fargo (the 1996 film), and, realizing this was set in North Dakota, which is also where Naomi came from, I've now got the voice of Marge Gunderson in my head every time I feed Naomi some hay... "Ooooh! Whatcha got there now, yeah?"

Here is a quick and sub-par video of Naomi and her pony pal, Leo, doing some free jumping.

July 09, 2012

You gotta love that giant, sweet face. 
Taken on July 4th, 2012. Rampart Range Ranch, Monument, Colorado

May 04, 2011

Lunch time on the trails!

We conquer the USAFA trails, right alongside Marjie and Sugar :)

March 23, 2011

Peyton Pony

So Naomi is in need of more training, to my dismay. She's got a rather stubborn streak, and with me not being as confident as I have been in the past, I can't get her over this hump. So the daughter of a man that runs the USAFA Equestrian Center has agreed to board her on their ranch for a month to work with her. With luck this will help get her back in to shape, get lots of miles put on her, and when I get her back I'll be able to do whatever I want with her. There are miles of trails to be discovered this summer :)

November 29, 2010

Farrier adventures

The farrier came out last week. I hung out (or should I say, hung on to horse) for about 45 minutes, but then had to get back to work so he finished her up on his own. He said he didn't see thrush (we thought there was some under her over-grown frogs), instead it was just the process of her shedding the frogs. He also said thrush would smell much, much worse. It seemed almost impossible that thrush could thrive in such a dry and arid climate, we hadn't gotten any rain or snow in weeks.

Anyway, Naomi was a bit of a jerk about her front feet, a common issue from the time I've had her, but certainly improved with more consistent handling and rope work.  But, with my back injury, I haven't had the capacity to clean her feet daily, or even stoop down so low that I can 'handle' them. She was doing anything she could think of to rip her front right leg out of Steve's grasp... coming close to pegging me in the hoo-ha when she tried to be a 'Broadway Rockette' and do a high kick. She also came very close to sitting down on her butt, to get leverage against poor Steve, when hopping around on 3 legs didn't work. Steve is a young, agile (and rather handsome) guy, but I am still amazed that Naomi hasn't snapped his leg in half or taken him to the ground yet.

Last time he did her feet, he was all alone and she stood well for him apparently, but he remarked that this time, 'She's quite a bit stronger.' 

Oh Naomi. You beefcake.